The “Bicycles” activity

The “Bicycles” activity is intended for the youngsters from the Teenagers’ Club in 7th and 8th grades. Its aim is to empower young people through cycling, by helping them advance on a personal, social and academic level. Cycling contributes to sustainable development and the quality of the environment, two very important subjects today in the daily life of the children of Negba.

The key values of cycling are numerous and no longer need to be proven:

  • Maintaining their limits: cycling encourages the children to know their body and to control their relationship with the surrounding space, to respect the rules and to maintain their personal limits and those of the group.
  • Mutual trust: we must trust whoever leads the group of cyclists and try to be a leader as well.
  • Teamwork: creating a dialogue, working in a group, developing the ability to see the importance of this experience with concessions and disagreements.
  • Personal responsibility: for each one’s body, and of course also responsibility for the bike.
  • Leadership development: developing the ability to dare and lead.
  • Perseverance: the ability to persevere despite difficulties and obstacles.

The “Bicycles” activity resumed two months ago with great enthusiasm.

Each teenager received their own bike. After reviewing the safety rules, we started. The young people were excited and some were even a little scared, the first meeting was more about getting to know the youngs and getting to know the bikes.

The following meetings we went to the park and focused on control, how and when to use the brakes and when not, what riding speed suits us, both on the bike and also in life

In the group there are 2 children who did not know how to ride a bike. It is a real challenge for the animator to teach them while riding with the others. But they don’t give up and learn little by little.

The boys and girls in the group are very attached to the “bicycles” activity, and wait every week for that moment when they find their bikes and get on them. Dana, the manager of this activity, is very happy to be part of this very beautiful and important project.

All our gratitude to the Levy family, and their parents (za’l), for their participation and support in this activity since its creation.

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