Negba’s Teen Club is a continuing framework for youngsters ages 12-18 who previously were in Negba’s Homes of Hope. Few programs cater towards underprivileged teens.
Launched in the school year 2012-2013, Negba’s Teen Club addresses this critical gap in programming, accompanying teens during the critical stage of adolescence when they undergo so many inner and outer changes. Education and welfare specialists point to the failure to cope with these changes as a leading cause for teens to decline socially, drop out of school, and become entangled with the dangers of the streets.
The Teen Club operates daily after school and during the July Summer break. Middle school children ages 12-15 enjoy four days a week of structured activity, while the older teens ages 16-18 attend three days a week. There are currently in fact two Teen Clubs, one for each age group, both housed in the Caty and Mona Dreyfuss Center.
Activities at the Teen Club include:
- Customized school tutoring through Negba’s Learning Center
- Group activities aimed at improving emotional expression, building trust and self-esteem, and developing social skills
- Teen Club Choir
- Volunteering in the community
- Leisure activities: sports, arts and crafts, culture, etc.
- Puberty-induced changes awareness workshops
- Weekly private conversation with animators
- Dialogue with parents.
The Teen Club is designed to develop the skills of youth in the following areas:
- Personal capabilities
- Capacity to cope with difficulties
- Self-image and schooling expectations, both in the present and future
- Learning patterns and academic reinforcement
- Selection of a military service framework
- Choosing a profession (for the older teens ages 17-18).
The program is designed for 50 youth.