Visit to the House of the President of the State of Israel in Jerusalem

The adolescents of the “Jacqueline and Jacques Lévy-Willard” Center in Beer-Sheva as well as the adolescents of the “H’etz Delphine Lévy” Center in Jerusalem met for the first time during an important visit to the President’s House in Jerusalem. This official residence has also been the office of the Presidents of the State of Israel since 1972. There we met Michal, the wife of President Herzog, who spoke with the young people of Negba about Israeli society and her central place in the vision and action of presidents, such as President Rivlin’s flagship program “Israeli Hope”. Then we discovered the permanent exhibition of photos and busts of all the former presidents of the State, and so we were able to get acquainted with them.

We talked about what presidential leadership is, we visited the special ceremonial and media-familiar spaces, we learned about and appreciated the art works and archeology artifacts of the magnificent place.

After this very enriching visit, we had lunch outside, and organized outdoor group play activities to create a special bond between the young people of Beer-Sheva and those of Jerusalem. Successful bet, everyone had a great day and above all made new friends!

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