An ecological year

Beyond the educational program, we also have enrichment programs that develop children’s skills on a daily basis, and enable them to gain values to become responsible adults, while contributing to their environment.
This year, we chose “Sustainability” to be the theme in our “enrichment centers”, which are led by Ms. Claudie Harari. The goal was to expose children to the environmental world, to the concept of sustainability in its multiple aspects and implications for daily life, as well as to show them their place in it and their ability to take responsibility, get involved and integrate into short and long-term action. Among the various activities on the subject, we dealt with reducing food waste, cleanliness, recycling, plant and animal treatment.

Installation of solar panels on the Negba Center

The installation of solar panels on the roof of Caty and Mona Dreyfuss Center in Beer-Sheva has been completed. Now, we can help the environment by producing “green” energy through the process of exposure of panels to the sun light, and saving in electricity bills.
In each group room, a screen has been installed with the updated details of the panels. Our goal is to encourage children to deepen their knowledge in the field of sustainability through the technological tools made available to them.

The hydroponic project

In our hydroponics cultivation project, each group discovered the irrigation system. How is it built, how does it save water thanks to a closed-loop cistern that recycles it, what are the benefits of these systems that consume little water compared to traditional irrigation.
Each child has been entrusted with the task of planting and growing plants and spices, and of course the responsibility to take care of them, until they are fully developed and usable.

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